Sunday, April 01, 2012

Road Trip!!

So, last week, I was eagerly awaiting this week, Spring Break, because  well first of all, it's spring break, and secondly I'm on a road trip! Woohoo! Our plan? It's a HUGE circle starting in Utah, going across Nevada, and then down through California and back through Nevada where we'll stop in Vegas. We're doing all of this in 6 days. It's pretty crazy, but that's us, haha! So... It's  day one, and we left home at around 10 O'clock. Right now, it's 12:10 and we just pulled into  Wendover. Today, we're going all  the way  to Lake Tahoe.  It's gonna be a whole lot of driving. After a snack stop, it's 12:30, and we're on the road once again. I just have to say how excited I am to see things like the GoldenGate Bridge, and Lake Tahoe. I just can't wait. I'm so excited. It sounds cheesy, but oh well. Right now we're also  listening to Catching Fire on an audio book.. It's been a while since I last read it, so it's really fun. 
Alright, so now it's 2:00 Nevada  time, 3:00  in  Utah I guess. We're a little over halfway through Nevada, things  are going  pretty well, woohoo. Wow, I just have to say that it's really scary to see semi trucks swaying side to side as the wind blows them. We've already seen one on it's side, and it was pretty scary.. Hopefully we don't  see anymore. And, the long car ride continues...
Okay, so it's still day one, and we've been in the car for nearly 6 hours. We just left Winnemucca ( I think that's how you spell it) and now once again, we're on the road. It's getting pretty stormy here, lots of wind. I'm gonna go find a way to entertain myself now. By the way, it's 4:00.
Now it's 5:30, and I just have to say that am really sick of the car. My tailbone hurts, and I just want to be walking around doing something fun. We're in Nevada, and we just passed Nevada mile marker 56. Woohoo!
So, now we're almost in California!!! I'm so happy! Right now, it's 8:05 Utah time, and we're still in the car. I think my parents are getting sick of us asking how far we are. Oh well, it's still fun. 10 hours in the car isn't exactly joyful. We're almost there though!
So we got to our hotel around probably 9:00 Utah time. Let me just say, that a bed feels really nice aftter sleeping at awkward angles in a cramped car. For dinner we went out to eat at this buffet which was really good, and then we came back to the hotel and went to bed.

Day 2
Okay, so right now, it's about 7:30 Utah time. I just got up, took a shower, and I am now trying to do something productive while I wait for everyone else to get up. I think that today we are driving to Eureka California. I'm also pretty sure that we're gonna see the giant redwood forest. I'm pretty excited! Tommorrrow, we're going to either see Alcatraz or go to Ghiradelli Square. (I don't think I spelled that right). By the way, did you know that it's really hard to write a blog post on an ipad? I keep pressing all the wrong buttons. It's kind of fun though too. Anyway, I'm going to split this up into at least two posts, so This is the end of blog numero uno. Bye!

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