I know this is late... I completely forgot about it yesterday with the excitement of my cousins birthday, and my step-sister leaving. Anyway, no excuses allowed, here's the post.
Recently, many things that I grew up with have made a come back. The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast have returned to theaters, in 3D, and one of my favorite childhood games, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has also made a comeback in 3D, but not in theaters. On the new 3DS.
For Christmas I got a shiny red 3DS, and I was surprised. I had no idea what I wanted this year, technically last year I guess, but when I opened the 3DS, I realized that it was what I had wanted. Yeah, yeah, I know I sound like a nerd. Why would a teenage girl want a 3DS? Well, with me it's pretty simple. When I was little, I was raised with technology around me constantly. I can't remember a time when there wasn't a computer, cell phone, or gaming system in the house. It was fun, and I miss a lot of the things from my childhood. Take the Nintendo 64 for example. When I was little, we happened to have two. People who are familiar with the N64 probably understand me right now, or at least I hope they do. Those who have no idea what a Nintendo 64 is, probably think this blog post is a whole bunch of baloney. If you are one of the latter, you should probably stop reading now.
Growing up, my 4 sisters and I had two Nintendo 64 systems, one was a dull black, and the other was a translucent green. Now, if you know what a Nintendo 64 is, then you know that they are nothing close to the game systems today. However, although they were different, they were, and are, one of the funnest game systems. Growing up, I would play Pokemon Snap, Rugrats Scavenger Hunt, Donkey Kong 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo and Kazooie, various Mario Party's, many others, and then my favorite, Ocarina of Time. Now, your probably thinking that this blog post has strayed quite a bit, and it kind of has, but don't worry, I'm getting to the point. Anyway, as I said at the beginning, one of my favorite games from my childhood and of all time, has made a comeback on the 3DS.
The game, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, was part of growing up for me. My sisters and I used to watch my mom play for hours, and when we grew up, we were the ones playing, and fighting over, the game. Now that I have it on my 3DS, I can play it whenever, and wherever I want to. It's great.
One of my favorite things about the re-release (is that even a word?) of it is that the graphics are still mostly the same. I'm not quite halfway through the game, but I have noticed very few changes. The few I have noticed? Flower fields are no longer blocks of different shades of green, and there are 2 new features as well. One of them is the Sheik- Stone. It can be taken as a place to get hints if you become stuck in the game. The other new thing I noticed was that when you are in your house in the Kokiri Forest, is you go to your bed, you can re-fight bosses. I was surprised to discover this, but I think it is a cool feature. Have I used it yet? No. Do I plan to? Not really, but I'm sure some people love to re-fight the bosses again and again.
I could go on about Zelda for a long time, but I'm not going to, as that would get very tiring. I love having it with me to play it whenever I want, and I love having a part of my childhood with me, in 3D even. Anyway, I'm trying to wrap this up. If you have a 3DS, I seriously suggest getting Zelda, if you don't have a 3DS, well then I've got nothing for you. :D
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