Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Term, And A Clean Slate

So finally, just like we (as students) have been waiting for, it's a new term, a new semester and in a way a fresh start. I think that the last semester was great, but extremely frustrating. It was constantly filled with a lot of homework, unnecessary stress, and the constant wish of it to be second semester. As each school day passes, I restlessly count down the time until school is out, and I'm officially in high school. What does that mean to me though? Well, for me high school means a completely clean slate (well almost, I guess teachers will still refer to me as the younger sibling of _______. *Insert name of choice, since I have three older sisters they often know). High school will mean driving, a little more independence, and maybe a little distance from my twin. I love her, but sometimes I gotta get away. Back to the original topic though, a new semester. I can't wait to start this semester, although I have the all dreaded Gym class, I don't think it's going to be that bad, the only downside to me right now? The smell of it all. It's gross, and I won't go into further details seeing as how we all know how nasty locker rooms are. Other classes I'm looking forward to on my schedule is that I get to T.A. (for those who don't know, T.A. means Teacher's Assistant). Now, to a lot of people it sounds boring, and more like slave work, but I guess it depends on what teacher you're a T.A. for, and what subject they teach. Me? I get to T.A. for one of the art teachers at my school. While people often call her mean and harsh in my previous art class, I think that they just happen to be some of the people who hope to get by with late work. The problem with that? She doesn't take late work. At all. No matter the circumstance. It was a rough class, but if you actually care about your grade, then you would never had any problem with the class. It was a lot of fun. Hmm.... Other classes I'm excited for? Well.. There aren't really any others specifically. Yeah, I like the sarcastic teachers I have like my english teacher, but  I don't love the subject, so it's not going to be an exciting semester, but at least it's going to be a new one.
I hope that this semester will help me make more friends than the small number I have now, not that I don't love them, I'm just hoping for some more familiar faces  in my classes. I hope that I will get good grades second semester, and that I won't go into full on panic mode like I did last term, and the first term as well. I want this term to be, well not necessarily easy, but not extremely hard either. Hopefully I'll be able to balance my homework, after school set design, honors english, and possibly  online computer tech. I guess we'll see. This term is gonna be a happy one, but sad. Because with every day that passes, every term that flies by, I'm counting down the days that I have in Junior High. I'm counting down the days that I'll see some of my friends at school, if at all. It's sad, but I'm glad for the time that I do get to see them. I just hope that when the year is over, and we all split schools, we won't have a huge wedge in between us. The only thing we can do is try to prevent it and wait and see. Here's to a new semester!

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