Sunday, November 13, 2011

Just Thinking

A lot of people take what they have for granted, and they don't take time to really appreciate what they have, it's sad. In the past few years, I've lost friends, gained them, and lost some more, but I haven't really taken time to stop and think about how good of a life I have. There are days when I just want to go back to being a little kid and relieve memories that I have, like just going on a walk through fields at a friend's family farm, or a weekend at the park with my sisters and my dad. Too bad there isn't a time machine. When I was little all I was worried about was growing up, and getting people to actually listen to me, now I just wish that I could go back to the simplicity of life. I miss elementary school and recess, even though at the time I claimed that I would be glad that it was gone, I'm not though. I want to go back to when my whole family was always home, and we would play Mario Kart and Apples to Apples, or card games, and we would laugh the whole night long. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for what I have, I really am. I know that I have a much better life than some people, but I miss the sweets it had when I was a kid. I've always said that people don't know what they have until it is gone. When it is summer, we want it to be winter so it is cool. When it is winter we want it to be summer and warm. I am grateful though, for all the time I get with my family, even though I can go a day or two without seeing one of my sisters for more than 5 minutes. It all makes me sad, but I'm grateful that I have sisters, and loving parents, I just want to get back the time I took for granted when I was little. Everyday we go about out lives overlooking the little things, and I think that we all need to take a step back and look at what we are grateful for.
Last year, my mom gave my sisters and I a challenge to write on a blog once a week saying what we were grateful for, and I failed, I only lasted about 8 weeks. 8 weeks out of 52. I'm not gonna lie, looking back now I'm extremely disappointed in myself. I know it's only a blog, but I know that had I tried harder I could have made it all 52 weeks like Carley, or 12 weeks like Madi. I'm also proud of Abby who posted for 8 weeks just like me and Emily who I think made it 2 weeks. I've gone back and read through the posts and looked at what my sisters were grateful for, and I realized that there really are so many things that we take for granted. For her final post Carley said she was grateful for doors. When you think about it, what would you do without them? It just makes you realize what little things we don't think about. If you want to go read the blog, click here.

1 comment:

  1. How true. It reminds me- on sunday I was helping out with the kids-class in my church (called kids city) and the kids had to make a paper turkey and put things they are thankful for on it. You can't even imagine how many, "what should I write?" or "I don't have anything to be thankful for!" I heard. I tried it myself, and it's a lot harder than you think. You never really know what you have until it's gone.
