Just clicked on the title box and a drop down appeared with a bunch of things in it. One that showed up that I found really interesting? The Day Before Yesterday . . . I don't want this to be a journal type thing, but I couldn't think of anything to write about, so I'll start there.
The day before yesterday would've been... Friday? On Friday, I was celebrating Thanksgiving at home with my family. Now right now I bet a lot of you are thinking, "Thanksgiving was on Thursday, is she confused?" No, I'm not confused. It came to be this way because my Grandma was having a big Thanksgiving dinner at her house on Thursday, so of course, we went. The day was kind of relaxed at first, I got up in the morning, had breakfast, and then proceeded to type up some notes from my art class. After typing up my notes I hung out with Ashley.
Now, for those who don't remember, although I'm sure most of the people reading this post actually know Ashley in person, Ashley is my step-sister. Because she lives in Georgia with her mom, we don't see her very often. It's sad, but we can't change it most of the time. She usually comes out during the summer and stays a month or so, but last summer she was supposed to have heart surgery, which is a whole other story, so her stay was cut short. As well as coming out in the summer months she also usually comes out for about a week for Thanksgiving, and a few days after Christmas she'll come out and also usually stays a week or so. Anyway, so to sum up what I just said in the above paragraph, when Ashley comes out it's usually short visits, and so we tend to cherish them. So when I say I was hanging out with Ashley, I'm saying that I got to do something which I don't usually do, something that a lot of people take for granted, which is hang out with my sister.
As I just realized, I was supposed to be talking about what I did Friday, not Thursday, but Friday required a little bit of an introduction, I just got off track. So Thursday I went to my Grandma's house for Thanksgiving, and Friday stayed home for a Thanksgiving. Friday was actually kind of unusual because we almost had two holidays going on at once. Earlier in the week my step dad had gotten all the Christmas decorations out because he was looking for the snowflakes we put on the roof. So Friday morning, while my parents were cooking for our Thanksgiving, Ashley, Abby, and I put up the Christmas Tree, and all of the other decorations that are spread throughout the house. We cleaned the house, and then it was dinner time! So we ate dinner, had dessert, and then watched home videos from when we were kids for the rest of the night. It was a lot of fun. Putting up the decorations and looking at them now and everyday until Christmas makes me so excited. I can't wait for Christmas Eve and Christmas, they are two of my favorite days of the year. I can't wait!
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