Monday, December 12, 2011


So, This was supposed to go up last night, but I accidentally posted this on the wrong blog, so here it is:
I was asked this the other day, and it really made me think... Below is my response.

Where do you see yourself in three years? As a senior in high school, what do you think you will be considering for your future? What career do you think you will want to go into? What colleges will you want to apply to? What will you want to study in college? How do you think you will change between now and December of 2014?

In three years, I can see myself finally knowing who I really am. I'll finally have the group of friends that I trust, and that I know won't stab me in the back like some have before. I'll be the person that, while few, people/friends will be able to talk to me about anything and everything. I want to be the type of person that people trust easily. I want to get good grades, so I'll likely be following in my sisters footsteps (for example, when I walk into class the first day of high school, a teacher will read my name and say, "Oh! Your a Randquist!" Why yes, yes I am, and that has never changed, Or "Your Carley, Madi, and Emily's little sister aren't you?" Well, as far as I've been told, yeah I am, I've never seen the documents saying so though, and sometimes I wonder how I can be related to them.) I also hope that I will be working towards graduating with an associates degree.
I can see  myself going into teaching, but I'm not sure what. I like kids, but not too little, so I could see myself as say... A third grade, maybe second grade teacher. I also like using a lot of sarcasm though, and I appreciate it when people actually understand it, so I could also see myself as being a junior high or high school teacher, maybe an art class of sorts, or a math class. Yeah, I know that sounds nerdy, but I know that a lot of people struggle in math, so if I became a math teacher, I would do my best to help all students. I could also see myself as a English teacher, I've always loved reading, and always encourage my friends to read books that I thought were good.
As for college, I have no idea at all. I guess it would depend on what I am going to be studying.
I can see myself driving constantly, hopefully having my own car. I'll probably have a job, let me rephrase that. I better have a job, that makes good money, and isn't something related to greasy food.
I'll probably have a million things to pay, and I'll probably be lonely a lot of the time seeing as my three older sisters might move out by then, with 2 of them being 22 in three years, and the other being probably around 21 depending on the time of year. I will be 18 or 19, also depending on the time of year, and hopefully things will be going good overall in life. The thing I'm most afraid of right now with the future? Losing friends when we split and go to high school. I already lost some in the transition to junior high, and I don't want to loose more. My friends mean the world to me, (other than my family of course), and I hope I'm not going to loose them.

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