Monday, September 12, 2011

Going Crazy? Yeah, Me too.

So, I figured that a lot of you don't know me very well, so I'd start with things that will help you get to know me a little bit better. So why not start with pet peeves, the things that bug us the most.
According to my friends and family, I have a lot of them, and many of them are pointless little things, but hey, that's me. So let’s start.
First of all, I absolutely hate it when someone enters a room when the door is closed, then promptly leaves, and does not re-close the door, don't ask me why, but it drives me completely nuts when people do this. I mean if the door is closed, then why would they want you to leave it open when you leave? It's so incredibly annoying that I can't stand it. I guess I'm picky about the little things.
I also hate it when people leave their stuff lying around, don't get me wrong, I love my family but some of them seem to have a tendency of leaving their stuff lying around, and when they do, it sometimes goes missing, creating a hectic situation if they do disappear. We then have to search the house in various places to find the missing object, and it can take quite a while. I hate it when my stuff goes missing which is why I try to make sure that it doesn't go missing. What can I say; I'm the organized one, usually...
Thirdly, messy people. I'm OCD about my stuff being organized and clean so when I need to go find something, I know exactly where it is and it doesn't take me two or three hours of digging around in my closet to find it. I have all my stuff neatly condensed into three shelves in my closet, and on my desk, nightstand, and bookshelf. Like I said, I'm very organized. Now and then though there does come a time when I lose stuff like my phone, or my camera. However I almost always find them within ten minutes, but the times when I don't? I usually never see the items again.
Fourth, when people leave projects unfinished. If you’re going to start something finish it, it's as simple as that. Don't take days, weeks, months, or even years to finish it. Get it done relatively soon after you've started it.
Fifth, pointless arguments. Now, I admit, I definitely have my fair share of them, but they still drive me crazy. If you’re going to argue over something, make it something meaningful and worthwhile, don't argue over whether a pencil sharpener is green or neon yellow. It's a complete waste of time.
Last, when someone manages to simultaneously control the T.V., the computer, all while using their iPods. If you're going to watch your favorite show on the discovery channel, don't be reading, surfing Facebook, and playing Angry Birds on your iPod at the same time. Pick one. ONE. I know that may be a hard concept to grasp, but practice it and you'll get better, I promise.


  1. My biggest pet peeve? People who commit their pet peeves. ;)

  2. My biggest pet peeve is when someoneone says, "Have a good one." What does that even mean?? under this directive, even if I do manage to have a good.... something, then I only get one? Rude!
